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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Business Meeting June 27, 2011 - 5:30 PM

Members Present: Maureen Birden, Susan Improta, Sheilah Krasnickas, Steve Meeker, Ashley Mele, Tom Murtha, Rosalie Newman, Denise Rodriguez, Jim Solomon, Elise Trock
Members Not Present: Layne Lescault, Paul Mangiafico, Cindy McIntyre, Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna, Diane Savinelli

Staff Members Present: Candice Foster, Jill Pluta, Jessi Zeigler

Guests Present: David Moseman, Leslie Polseno, Karen White

 1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 5:32 pm on June 27, 2011 by Tom Murtha in the Board Room of the C.H. Booth Library at 25 Main Street.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of May 2011 Minutes - Motion made by Jim Solomon to approve minutes and seconded by Rosalie Newman. Motion passed unanimously.

 2. Chairman’s Report
Tom discussed a higher waiting list due to space limitations. Staff is exploring options such as adding additional nights/hours. Discussed current lease expiring in August 2012; minimum space required is 7500 square feet. Jim said the old BOE building on Pecks Lane is available; he offered to explore the facility as an option.

          3.  Executive Director’s  Report - See attached.
a)  Clinical sessions were down 1.49% in May and supportive program hours totaled 662.
b)  New billing software has been purchased and will be installed on July 5; full transition will take 2-3 months.  
c)  Currently interviewing for a per diem clinician.
d)  NYFS will receive $25K from United Way for 2011-12.  

  4. Finance and Treasurer’s Report - See attached.
        a)  In Ron Pekrul’s absence, Tom discussed the budget approval to be postponed until July. About half of the security deposit was received from Mount Pleasant landlord.    
b)  Reviewed the Banking Resolution. Motion made by Rosalie Newman to approve, seconded by Jim Solomon, and approved unanimously by the Board.
c)  Reviewed the Audit Resolution. Motion made by Susan Improta to approve, seconded by Maureen Birden, and approved unanimously by the Board.
d)  Reviewed the Contract Execution Resolution. Motion made by Jim Solomon to approve, seconded by Rosalie Newman, and approved unanimously by the Board.
5. Re-election of Board Members
Tom discussed the re-election of Board members whose terms are expiring: Maureen Birden, Susan Improta, Layne Lescault, Ashley Mele, Tom Murtha, and Jim Solomon. Motion made by Rosalie Newman to approve; seconded by Sheilah Krasnickas; approved unanimously by the Board.

  6. Slate of Nominees for Board Executive Committee
Tom discussed the slate of nominees for Board Executive Committee: Tom Murtha as Chairperson, Susan Improta as Vice Chairperson, Ron Pekrul as Treasurer (through 7/1/11), and Layne Lescault as Secretary. Motion made by Rosalie Newman to approve and seconded by Maureen Birden. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

  7. Old Business - None

  8. New Business
        a)  Due to a new Executive Director and outgoing Treasurer, Steve Meeker made a motion to postpone approval of the 2011-12 budget until July; seconded by Rosalie Newman; passed unanimously by the Board.
        b)  Steve made a motion to nominate David Moseman and Rick Child as new Board members; seconded by Elise Trock; motion passed unanimously.
        c)  Steve introduced Karen White and Leslie Polseno as potential Board members.
        d)  David Moseman offered to become Treasurer, effective July 1.
        e)  Steve discussed the recent Donut Dash donating $2K to NYFS and the upcoming Road Race.

  9. Adjournment
        At 6:15 pm motion made by Susan Improta and seconded by Jim Solomon to adjourn to Annual Meeting. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Denise Rodriguez June 28, 2011